Dr. Ben Damiani and PV Magazine Editor, Tim Slyvia, co-host a virtual roundtable at PV Magazine event

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Be sure to check out Ben’s panel:

The latest solar inventions and tech trends

The world of solar is an ever-changing one and it can be difficult to keep up with all the cutting edge innovations and technical trends within the industry. If you’re in need of insights or would simply like to hear about what the next generation of solar will look like, come join us at 10.15 am EST on November 17, as pv magazine USA hosts an open-forum discussion with Ben Damiani of Solar Inventions. Winners of the first American Made Solar Prize in 2019, Ben and his team work every day on commercializing new solar technologies and manufacturing processes. Along with pv magazine moderator Tim Sylvia, Ben will touch on innovations in cell technology, pv recycling, and the future of solar-integrated transportation.


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Cell/Module Innovations Summary:

Historically the PV industry has adopted new technology changes at the cell level over the course of decades. Early shift from n-type to p-type in the 1970's, Shift to Aluminum BSF in the late 1990's to early 2000's, Aluminum BSF to PERC in the late 2010's (current). Module technology was largely static until the resurgence of shingled cell panels except for niche applications. Building integrated PV calls for more specialized modules especially for crystalline silicon technologies. We are approaching the single junction crystalline silicon solar cell efficiency limit of ~26% in production. It will be interesting to see how this changes the development of new technologies. Multi-junction cell tech like perovskites? New higher efficiency module technology? System level efficiency improvements? DC - AC - DC power conversion losses? (PV array to Grid to cars/computers).

Battery Chemistry Innovations:

There are many different battery chemistry technologies. The Li-Ion chemistry dominates the automotive industry and silicon related chemistries are delivering higher power densities currently. Nano silicon applications dominate the efforts for improved Li batteries. The rapid growth of the battery industry parallels the PV industry where rapid adoption in some ways prohibits the innovation cycle because products are specified at a certain technology. In addition, in order to scale a factor the technology selection needs to be made months to years in advance. As the battery industry develops, the one size fits all technology does not seem to work. Tesla has proposed different chemistries depending on the vehicle and application to help justify cost. High cost high performance for trucks and more moderate performance for sedans for example. Lead acid, nickel metal hydride, NiCd, Vanadium flow batteries are all niche battery technologies that dominate a particular market share for performance and cost reasons.

PV/Battery Recycling trends:

PV recycling is not currently a mainstream product or service. ~95% of the installed panels involve glass/EVA/backsheet technology. There are different approaches to address the necessity of product recycling. Use new module technology that is easier to recycle. Provide economic incentives for the complete carbon footprint to incorporate needed resources for fabrication, function, and failure. France and others are testing incentives based on this carbon footprint for fabrication by coal power, water power, solar power etc. to represent advantages over pure cost. I think it is important to consider the complete product cycle for a PV panel (unlike the coal and gas industry). The same applies to battery technologies. The shift to Solar plus Storage moves the environmental impact in the right direction but if recycling can further improve the sustainability of power generation, when is the right time and what is the right method to take. Lead acid batteries are ~98% recycled and Li-Ion is significantly less.

PV-Vehicle Integration:

Current efforts include auxiliary power generation and comfort for integrated PV arrays into a vehicle surface like a sunroof. PV is responsible to keep the auxiliary battery charged and potentially regulate temperature inside the vehicle during warm months to keep the car 15 minutes prior to use. One meter square could supply a EV with 1-3km of added range per hour. Does this move the needle for trickle charging a drive battery compared to the aesthetics of the car? What about next generation applications like using PV to charge the vehicle battery that can then be used to supply power to a residential home if needed.

bill nussey